Treble Cornetto:
This is the mouthpiece I use daily and is my ‘historic’ cornetto mouthpiece. It has a bowl shaped cup and a sharp throat which makes articulation very clear and the sound bright. Available with the historic sharp throat or semi-rounded which removes most of the air whilst retaining clarity and attack. I make a bigger version for alto.
I also make a more ‘modern’ V type cup, giving a warm, even sound over the whole range without any air in the sound. !New design for 2022!
‘Trumpet’ type:
This ‘trumpet’ style mouthpiece is based on several large surviving originals. It is larger in diameter and has a wide rim and is more suitable for a modern brass player. I make these shallower than conventional trumpet type mouthpieces which makes them clear and easier in the top register. I usually make these with a semi round throat to improve clarity and tuning.
Cornettini vary a great deal from instrument to instrument. My design is based on an original and stops the instrument going flat in the top register. It has a bowl shaped cup and can be made with a sharp or a semi-rounded throat.
Tenor cornetto:
This mouthpiece is a scaled copy of my treble cornetto mouthpiece. I have made it bright and focused, more like a treble cornetto than an alto trombone. It has a bowl shaped cup and can be made with a sharp or semi-rounded throat.
Bass Cornetto:
Designed with assistance from Roland Wilson for use with his bass cornetti. It has a rather deep bowl shaped cup.
Semitone Transposing:
Copied from a 18th century original in Leningrad after drawings by Graham Nicholson. This turns an A=466 treble cornetto into an A=440 instrument with a small extension on the open end of the instrument as described by Bismantova. If made slightly longer it will turn a low pitch treble into an A=415 treble. However, tuning is impaired and it isn't suitable for solo repertoire of the 17th century.
All of the mouthpieces listed above can be changed or adapted to you requirements. If you would like something that isn't listed I am willing to experiment.