1. Linz Bass in F
A=465: This is a very close copy of an instrument (MU34) in the Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz which has three 'moth marks' indicating that it is most likely made by the Bassano family.
The upbore is large and it has a very resonant sound. The original has 2 vent holes, one near the shoulder on the side and another at the back half way up the bell.
I offer this model in two styles:
1: Open bell with no vent.
2: Gedackt bell with vent.
A=440: This is a scaled version of the same instrument and is available only with an open bell.
My Curtals / Dulcians are based on instruments from various collections - the smaller instruments from the MIM Brussels, and larger ones from the Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Grassi Museum Leipzig & Merano.
I use locally sourced sycamore for most of my curtals.
Basses can be ordered with a sling hook ring.
Alto in F
Based on an instrument in the MIM Brussels marked 'Melchor'.
Also available with 2 interchangeable bells; open after Brussels, gedackt after Berlin.
A=440 or 465
£1500 as the original.
£1700 with interchangeable bells.
Tenor in C
Based on an instrument in the MIM Brussels marked 'Melchor'.
Also available with 2 interchangeable bells; open after Brussels, gedackt after Berlin.
A=440 or 465
£1800 as the original.
£2000 with interchangeable bells.

Alto in f, Linz bass & tenor in C at A=440
Alto in f & tenor in C at A=440
A=465 Linz Bassano Bass
Gedackt bell option for A=465 Linz Bassano Bass
Extra Crooks:
All made from soldered sheet brass.
Alto - £100
Tenor - £150
Bass (standard or lightweight) - £250
Quint-Bass in Bb
This is based on an instrument (MU217) in the Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz. The bell is at the same level with the crook socket and is covered with a pierced brass plate.
It plays a fifth below the bass so the lowest note is F and has a range of 2 octaves plus.
A direct copy works exceptionally well at A=465 and scaling down to 440 also gives excellent results.
I make this instrument in two parts for ease of transport.
Made from sycamore. A=440 or 465.

Key cover options for bass curtals
l-r: Plain, Radial, Standard
2. Denner Gedackt Bass / Choristfagott in F
Based on instruments marked I.C.Denner D in three collections; Leipzig, Nuremberg & Merano. It has an ornate gedackt bell which is removable. The front key is also elaborate with a pierced heart shape in the middle.
As the bell is removable I supply this instrument with a second open bell making this a very versatile instrument.
There is a choice of open bell. First is my standard open bell similar to the Berlin bass & Spanish instruments. The second is a large open bell based on a bell in Hamburg.
A=440 or 465

Denner Choristfagott
Denner Choristfagott - Front Key
Denner Choristfagott - Bell
Bell Options for Denner Choristfagott
l-r: Original Gedackt, Standard open, large open

Alto Dulcian with gedackt bell option
Based on an instrument in the MIM Brussels. A direct copy plays in Bb at 465. I have scaled this to 440 and have also designed a C instrument at 440. This instrument has 2 keys.
C: A=440
Bb: A=465 & 440
3. Gedackt Bass / Choristfagott in F after Praetorius & Linz.
Based on instruments described in the Syntagma Musicum by Praetorius and after two instruments in Linz. This model has no bell above the crook socket. Instead, the top of the instrument is flat and covered with a perforated cap producing a more gentle and ‘contained’ sound.
This can be covered in leather as an optional extra.
A=440 or 465
£2750 (uncovered)
Gedackt Bass after Praetorius & Linz
Gedackt Bass after Praetorius & Linz

Quint-Bass Dulcian
Gedackt bell on the Quint-Bass Dulcian
Berlin 655: Gedackt bass in F at A=493 (or G at A=440)
This is a direct copy of an instrument in Berlin which plays a whole tone above modern pitch at A=493. It is believed that this was purchased by Andreas Unger in Leipzig between 1625 & 1634 before bequeathing them to the Wenzelkirche, Nuremburg in 1658.
It has a large range, even scale and solid tone with lots of colour.
Berlin 655
Berlin 655 Front Key
Berlin 655 Gedackt Bell
-- Bass Dulcians --
I offer 5 models of bass dulcian and a quint bass.

Mersenne Bassoon.
This model is based on the measurements and drawings depicted in 'Harmonie Universelle' by Marin Mersenne of 1636 and represents a transition between the dulcian and the bassoon. Noteable is the addition of a low Bb.
The measurements suggest an instrument pitched at A+0 (A-440). No bore measurements are given by Mersenne so I have chosen bore profiles which would not look unusual in a dulcian or a baroque bassoon. The bell section has a cylindrical bore, suggested by the drawings, and takes inspiration from the Haka bassoon in Sondershausen.
The result is a very stable instrument with excellent high range suitable for music of the 17th century.
Pitch: A=440 (other pitches by request)
Additional short bell (low C only) £350

Mersenne Bassoon with additional short bell
Mersenne Bassoon
Mersenne Bassoon