Treble cornett:
A = 440 & 466 £1150
A = 492 £1100
A = 440, 466 & 415 £900
Alto cornett:
A = 440 & 466 £1250
S shaped alto:
A=440 £1350
S shaped alto with key in F:
A = 440 £1500
Tenor Cornett with key in C:
A = 466 £1750
Cornetts copied from museum originals:
A = 440 - after Christ Church, Oxford
- after St. Petersburg - small bore
A = 465 - after Vienna
after Edinburgh £1150
Straight three piece cornetto in A:
A = 440 & 466 £750
A = 492 £700
Straight cornett in A
A = 440 &4 66 £550
Mute cornett in A:
A = 440, 465 & 415 £550
Mute cornett in G alto:
A = 440 & 465 £550
With a key for low F £750
Straight cornettino in D:
A = 440 £450
Mute Cornettino in D:
After Vienna A = 466 £450
My own design A = 440 & 466 £450
Soprano shawm in D:
A=440 £650
Transitional soprano shawm in C:
A = 440 £650
Deutsche Schalmei - Haka:
A = 415 £750
Alto shawm in G:
A = 440 £1250
Tenor shawm in C:
A = 440 £1550
Alto Curtal in F: £1500
Tenor Curtal in C: £1800
Bass Curtal in F: £2750
Denner Bass Curtal in F: £3000
Quint-bass Curtal in Bb: £4000
Castelo boxwood: +£50
(£40 cornettino)
Vellum binding: +£50
(£40 cornettino)
2 part cornetts: +£100
Leather 2 treble cornett case: £130
Treble & alto: £75
Cornettino: £70
Trumpet style: £80
Tenor: £80
Bass: £95
Cornetto transposing: £90
Baroque Trumpet Mutes £95
Bass: £115